Kategorie Archiv: Artificial intelligence

Natural Language Processing NLP Examples

What is Natural Language Processing NLP? However, transfer learning enables a trained deep neural network to be further trained to achieve a new task with much less training data and compute effort. It consists simply of first training the model on a large generic dataset (for example, Wikipedia) and then further training (“fine-tuning”) the model […]

Talk to Your Data: a Chatbot System for Multidimensional Datasets IEEE Conference Publication

Sample Datasets For Chatbots Healthcare Conversations AI You can process a large amount of unstructured data in rapid time with many solutions. Implementing a Databricks Hadoop migration would be an effective way for you to leverage such large amounts of data. Finnish chat conversation corpus and includes unscripted conversations on seven topics from people of […]

6 steps to a creative chatbot name + bot name ideas

500+ Best Chatbot Name Ideas to Get Customers to Talk To minimise the chance you’ll change your chatbot name shortly, don’t hesitate to spend extra time brainstorming and collecting views and comments from others. Haven’t heard about customer self-service in the insurance industry? Dive into 6 keys to improving customer service in this domain. It’s […]