How to organize a productive developer meeting

These are often called „soft skills,“ but they can be some of the hardest to learn! We could call them „people skills,“ „essential skills,“ or „core skills.“ But, how about „SKILLS OF AWESOMENESS?“ Yes, what we all need is more ways we can be awesome to each other, and awesome together. For each, he defines principles that can help Java 7: What’s in it for developers you improve everything from your mindset to the quality of your code and describes approaches proven to promote success. Get hands-on with the latest development features through new Code Lab topics and samples introduced for SDC22. Tizen Enterprise Platform will provide all the technology infrastructure for Enterprise Display.

developer meeting

Now Twitter and Facebook compete with Email and Texts for our attention, keeping us up-to-date on our friends dietary details and movie attendance second-by-second. Does all this information take a toll on your psyche or sharpen the saw? Is it a matter of finding the right tools and filters to capture what you need, or do you just need to unplug. Each time you revisit it you discover a nuance, a new connection to something else.


But here, you can find more specifics based on our team’s experience. Also, you can discuss the learning curve of the programmer, taking into account the market situation, customer demands, and the company’s priorities. Understanding their personal feelings allows you to understand how best to help them balance both work and personal life.

developer meeting

In this session, we’ll introduce the idea of vertical slice architectures, and dive into the patterns, tools, and techniques used with slices. We’ll also cover how you can fit vertical slices into different kinds of systems, from desktop, SPA, and normal MVC applications. Finally, we’ll look at some of the new challenges that come with slices and layers, and how a different approach provides a much more maintainable end result. Neighborhood/developer meetings are required to be held by developers before they submit certain land use applications. A successful organization is built upon a foundation of trust.

Practical Leadership for Developers

You probably don’t enjoy doing it, and that can lead to bad hires and painful experiences. Kris has participated in more than 250 interviews at AWS – as both an interviewer and a hiring manager – and has finally come to embrace the process. She’ll provide practical tips you can use to conduct more effective interviews, saving you time and making the whole process a lot more enjoyable.


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For you to avoid such a situation, we’ve created this guide on how to run a successful one-on-one meeting with a developer. What we do in our team meetings is talk about what is bugging us. Anything that happened in the last week which slowed us down significantly, things that we’d like to change in the future, particularly process problems.

Guidelines for Software Development Cost Estimation in 2023

Whether you meet weekly or opt for monthly one-on-one meetings with developers, make the best out of it. Ask relevant business-related questions and remember to leave some time for personal conversations, so you can get to know them better. A one-on-one meeting developer appointment, especially on performance conversations between managers and software engineers, is crucial for ensuring productive communication. Moving from a layered architecture to a vertical slice architecture can be a bit daunting.

In this masterclass, guided by continuous delivery expert David Farley, we’ll learn durable principles at the heart of effective, modern software development. Join Sven and learn how great software teams measure and improve their developer productivity, coordinate work across teams, run microservice teams, and create a healthy and joyful engineering culture. In this talk, I’ll share with you some key principles and a number of patterns which you can use to incrementally decompose an existing system into microservices. I’ll also cover off patterns that can work to migrate functionality out of systems you can’t change, which are useful when working with very old systems or vendor products. We’ll look at the use of strangler patterns, change data capture, database decomposition and more.

The objective of the weekly Engineer’s Meeting is to share information from management that is relevant to our work and to have each engineer share the status of the work he or she is doing. Anytime you go to the effort and expense of putting a bunch of people together for any amount of time, you need to have a stated objective. The objective of the meeting needs to be stated clearly and prominently in the meeting invitation, at the top, first thing. There is a practice of running one-on-one meetings on a regular basis, for example, once in two weeks or once a month. If you use such a formal approach, the meetings are tied to the date and added to the calendar, so they don’t overlap with other tasks or events.

developer meeting

Without clear and quantifiable benefits, it’s hard to build a business case for code quality. Building strong personal relationships through a one-on-one meeting agenda with software engineering team members needs thorough preparation. These meetings paint a clear picture of the developer’s experiences and career development goals. Even if you  hire remote developers, you still need to keep in touch with them and develop a good relationship. Imagine that you are a principal software engineer at a big company.